박진석성형외과 박진석원장은 2011년 9월 24일부터 25일까지 중국 상하이에서 열린 국제 최소침습학회 초청연자로 강연하였습니다.
박진석 원장은 우수 강연자에게 주는 Excellent Speaker Award를 수상하였습니다.
강연 주제는
처진가슴을 교정하는 방법으로 확대술, 확대-거상술, 거상술, 가슴축소술 등을 강연하였습니다.
The correction of ptotic breast
Breast ptosis is caused by volume envelope discrepancy as a result of pregnancy, lactation, weight loss, and aging. Although surgical grading according to nipple level help the correction, in the viewpoint of the patient, ptotic appearance of the breast means various status from small flat skinny sagging breast to huge breast.
Characteristics of the ptotic breast:
In general the ptotic breast has some characteristics such as lower position of nipples, excess of envelope, lack of breast parenchyma, highly mobile parenchyma mainly due to loosening of subglandular space or failure of Cooper’s ligament action as supporters and well defined inframammary fold
Patient oriented treatment is not simple and we have to manage ptosis with considering many things such as patient physical condition, patient’s demand about size and shape, scar, and realistic expectation.
Ptosis can be improved by simple augmentation with implant into the dual plane or retroglandular plane or fat graft. If nipple is located 2cm below inframammary fold, mastopexy is more reliable and sometimes simultaneous augmentation mastopexy is needed.
The most appropriate correction method is not easy to decide, however it can be chosen if we consider several things such as patient physical condition, patient’s demand about size and shape, scar, and realistic expectation.
I would like to give presentation about my various experiences.
또한 중국사람들에게는 생소한 배꼽을 통한 가슴확대술을 강연하였습니다.
Operative Procedure of TransUmbilical Breast Augmentation
Jin-Seok Park, MD, PhD
Parkjs Aesthetic Clinic
There have been many improvements since transumbilical breast augmentation(TUBA) was introduced first in 1993. Although patients who want the cohesive gel implants are increase, some portion of patients still want the saline implants due to small remote scar and/or hatred for gel implants.
As my 14 years experiences, TUBA has several benefits for Asian women such as remote less visible scar, less pain, shot operation time, rapid recovery, and so on.
Operative procedure goes on regional block, tunneling, inserting sizer, making pocket, inserting implants and dressing. This procedure is generally little painful. If patient feel pain, you have to check up your procedures such as local infiltration efficiency, bleeding, too much tension. Muscle clamping pain can be reduced by muscle relaxants such as Metocarbamol. This procedure is Less bleeding tendency in contrast with other blind procedures, if not, you have to check several points such as sufficient local infiltration & waiting, tunneling through abdominal fatty layer (neither subdermal, nor suprafascial), making pocket by stretching not tearing tissue and not leaving the space vacant. And The operation time is short as 30 minutes are enough from incision to closure So you don't have to hurry.
Transumbilical breast augmentation is not the best procedure however very useful technique for some candidates.