2012년 4월13일-15일 대한 미용성형외과학회가 코엑스에서 개최되었습니다. 이 학회에는 정공의를 위한 강연들이 준비되어있는데 2011년에 들었던 전공의들이 도움이 많이 된 강의를 추천하는데 박진석성형외과 박진석원장의 강연이 다시 듣고 싶은 앙콜 강의로 채택되었습니다.
성형외과 전공의를 위한 가슴성형 실전해부학 강연
Object: To obtain anatomic essentials for
1. the bloodless pocket
2. reducing the double bubble appearance.
3. making V-valley and reducing symmastia
4. better shape
Anatomy is fundamentally important in all surgery, so I would like to share practically my experiences in anatomical aspect for the better, consistent and safe results.
Bony structure: If the angle of the rib cage at the anterior axillary line is acute, implant tends to move medially. In case of the prominent sternocostal junction, implant tends to move laterally. Anterior convexity of the rib cage affects breast shape and size.
Muscular structure: The pectorlis muscle action affects the result in case of submuscular placement. The pushing direction of muscle changes whether muscle cuts or not. Narrow muscle width and sternalis muscle act as a laterally displacing cause. At the second and third costal cartilages, the muscle is thickened and attached more laterally, which is occurred by decussation of muscle fibers. Detachment of muscle origin at this portion is important for better shape, however surgeon should be careful due to perforators. Serratus tends to tether overlying soft tissue, so in case of blindly making pocket with abduction of shoulder, detachment of soft tissue from serratus should be done enough.
Fascial system: From superficial to deep layer, superficial layer of superficial fascia, deep layer of superficial fascia, pectoralis fascia(pectoralis major and minor). Breast is located between superficial and deep layer of superficial fascia. Interfascial space is avascular layer, so surgeon should make pocket through interfascial space.
Nerves, arteries and veins: The most important nerve is known as the lateral cutaneous branch of the fourth intercostals nerve, however it seems that other nerves may be substitute; especially lateral and anterior branches from the third to the fifth intercostal nerve. In case of transaxillary approach, thoracoepigastric vein should be dealt carefully. As several perforators arise consistently, surgeon can make dry pocket with the intended cauterization.
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